One Leg Squat
7166 riders can do it
Learning how to squat on one leg will help you learn braking afterwards.
How do it
A beginner exercise that will allow you to transition to braking.
Place your leading foot in front of the bolts, push off slightly, hold your balance and squat down. Your push leg should be slightly bent at the knee and brought back. Extend your arms forward. Gradually increase your distance and number of squats. Later on focus on clean technique and depth of the squats.
A more challenging variation is squatting down with your push leg extended forward. With each attempt, try to perform as many squats as you can and increase your squat depth.
Now try combining both variations. Ride in one direction bringing your push leg backward, and ride back extending it forward. Switch up your legs — place your push leg on the board and push with your leading leg.