25 riders can do it
A side flip done windward, performed by bearing away hard.
How do it
One of the tricks that’s come over to freestyle from wave, where this trick is called a Goiter. Named after american windsurfer Kevin Ponichtera, who was the first to perform it on flat water. It’s a side flip done windward, performed by bearing away hard.
Choose some chop or wave, release your harness, pick up a lot of speed and begin bearing away toward it. When bearing away, tilt the sail into to the turn, close it, crouch down and stabilize the board.
Straighten your legs to pop off the water, and sharply bring the sail windward and underneath you, by bending your mast arm and extending your clew arm.
Look at the top of the sail. When the board begins to rotate, bend your knees. Extend your mast arm in the direction of rotation.
During landing, pull the sail from the tail, lean to the nose and turn your body into the wind. Steady yourself and continue sailing.