84 riders can do it
A 360° slide jump without a sail flip.
How do it
A 360 slide jump without a sail flip. Consists of a 180 downwind jump with the sail closed, and a 180 slide. Invented and named by the australian windsurfer Greg Allaway.
Prepare for the jump — grab the boom in a wide hold, release the harness, shift your weight over the board and bend your knees.
Bear away hard when you jump, bending your back leg when popping off, so that the nose goes into the water first. Simultaneously extend your mast hand forward, close the sail with your clew hand and look back, to aid in the rotation. Don't lean forward during the jump, or you'll end up going into a front loop. You should look back and lean back towards the clew.
When landing, hold your body over the center of the board, bending your front leg and drawing forward. Extend your back leg and drive the rotation by moving your heel behind you. Continue looking back, extend your clew hand and draw the sail corner across the wind, opening it and holding the drag.
To stop the rotation, bend your back leg and straighten your clew arm. Holding the drag, gradually close the sail and straighten your front leg, to preserve your speed.