102 riders can do it
Also known as a Swayze it is an upwind 180° jump without a sail flip, and a 180° slide.
How do it
This trick opens new horizons. Also known as a Swayze (in honor of Patrick Swayze). Invented and named by the american windsurfer Web Pedrick. Consists of an upwind 180 jump without a sail flip, and a 180 slide.
Prepare for the jump — grab the boom in a wide hold, release the harness, bear away and select some small chop. When bearing off, tilt the sail inwards to the turn and close it. Stabilize the board.
Jump by sharply bringing the sail upwind with a straight front arm, and pop off, straightening your back leg. Bend your clew arm, drawing your shoulder closer to the boom, but make sure not to push the sail.
Turn your hips windward, to help the rotation. While spinning around the nose, extend your front leg and bend your back leg. Hold your body over the center of the board.
When sliding, hold the sail closed over the nose, shifting your clew hand.
To complete the rotation, look over your shoulder, open the sail and shift your weight onto your back leg.