695 riders can do it
A turn that takes the nose of the board through the wind.
How do it
There are two basic turns in windsurfing — the tack and the jibe. The tack is a turn upwind, changing your board's course 180 degrees.
Open the sail, bring your weight onto your front leg and begin to slowly lower the sail down to the stern. Have your front hand close to the mast and your other at shoulder width. You'll have to overcome the wind resistance. Lower the sail slowly with your straight front arm, keeping your weight in front of the mast.
Take one step forward towards the mast, straighten both arms and place the sail across the board. Bring your hands together on one side of the boom. Don't grab on opposite sides.
Turn your back to the bow, standing right at the joint, with your legs on both sides of the mast, arms straight, sail across the board.
Begin to slowly wind the sail with straight arms, holding the boom on one side. Bring the sail to the side of the board you were just standing on. Bringing the sail from stern to the center of the board, stop and turn your hips to the mast, pulling the sail up close.
Place the mast vertically, grab the other side of the boom (by the mast) with your back hand and bend it, bringing the sail closer. Grab the boom with your other hand, at shoulder width. Take one step back. Close the sail and begin sailing your new course.