Planing in the Footstraps
438 riders can do it
Planing with feet in footstraps.
How do it
If you know how to accelerate and plane without changing course, then you can try getting into the staps. Don't rush and get into both at once. First learn to comfortable plan in the front stap, then train getting into the rear stap.
Accelerate to broad reach, going in the harness. Your course is very important here, because if you accelerate and bear off, then you risk doing a 'catapult' (i.e. falling forward over the mast), which can break your board — or even you.
Shift your weight onto the harness. Close the sail, pushing the board forward hard with your front leg.
Hang over the water, opposite the center of thrust, not over the stern. Close the sail, keeping your weigh over your front leg. Don't sit down on your back leg. Bring your feet closer to the straps — the center of your front foot should be touching the front strap, and your back foot should be right in front of the back strap.
If your board's stopped planing and is now moving to broad reach, then quickly take your front foot off the board and gently place in into the strap. Once you're in, straighten your leg and really push the board forward (pushing with the front leg), shifting your weight onto your front leg — and close the sail. If your board turns windward and stalled during this maneuver, then that means you're holding too much weight over your back leg and are pushing down on the stern. You need to keep your weight over the water and push with your front leg. Start over.
If you've successfully managed to preserve your speed and are planing in the front strap, then gently move your back foot up to the back strap. Keep your weight over your front foot and close the sail. Slowly find the back strap, lift your back foot and gently place in into the strap. Once inside, don't push down on your back foot, keep your weight over your front foot. If your board begins to turn upwind, bring the sail forward, close it and shift your weight forward. If the board begins to bear off hard, then have your back leg lightly push the board towards the sail. Continue planing, get a feel for the movement and don't make any sudden movements. If you feel the board stall, get out of the straps and start accelerating again.