TS Backroll
558 riders can do it
It is a Backroll performed with toeside approach.
How do it
A ts backroll is one of the basic rolls, performed from your toes (toeside). For this move your perform a backwards flip while facing forward.
Go in hard and wide. Bend your body a bit while edging, you need to have your back slightly hunched.
Try to push off of the wake as late as you can. When pushing off, continue to have both hands on the handle, and at the same time start moving as if you’re trying to do a back flip on a trampoline. That is, straighten out and throw your shoulders and head back.
Keep your head thrown back during the flight, up until you can see your landing spot. Continue to hold the handle with both hands and try to bend your knees.
Before landing, release your back hand and push down on your toes.