TS FS 180
1288 riders can do it
The toeside frontside 180 is the simplest 180 you can do, and should be learned after mastering the toeside wake to wake.
How do it
The toeside frontside 180 is the simplest 180 you can do, and should be learned after mastering the toeside wake to wake.
Approach wide and at medium speed, just enough to clear two waves. Make sure your approach is progressive.
Once you push off the wake, hold for a moment, then begin to bring in the handle towards your outer hip (your right hip if you’re regular and your left is you’re goofy).
Turn your frame and have your shoulders face the boat.
Keep both hands on the handle on landing, position your board in line with the direction of your approach, i.e. the nose of the board should be facing “portside”.