Ski Slide
3492 riders can do it
Sliding the obstacle with your skis perpendiculat to the surface.
How do it
A basic trick and the basis of ski jibbing. Before doing this trick you should determine which foot you prefer as your front foot for sliding. Ask a friend to push you in the back while you're standing. The leg you put forward after the push will be your leading leg.
Ride up to the obstacle on bent legs, pushing off upward with your knees and shoulders. Beginners can push off primarily with their leading leg.
When pushing off, turn your legs 90 degrees, but have your shoulders remain in the same position. On entry make sure the noses of yor skis don’t hit the obstacle.
Once you land on the obstacle, try to keep your center of weight in the middle and your legs at shoulder width.
Be prepared for your legs to fly out on your first tries, you need time to learn to control your center of weight.
If the obstacle is long and narrow, you will have to hold your balance. To do so, lean your body in the direction opposite the one you’re falling to. Alternatively, catch your balance by rocking your skis back and forth.
When jumping off the obstacle, hold your body position and turn your legs and skis nose forward, back to their original position.