Uphill Travel
1073 riders can do it
When travelling up a slope, it’s essential to slide on the snow, instead of raising skis for every step.
How do it
When travelling up a slope, it’s crucial to slide on the snow with your skis, not raise them up for every step.
You should be moving your leg forward, not upward, just like you would going along a regular ski track. The movement should come from the hip, to ensure your driving the ski forward. It’s also important to push your foot forward, increasing the size of each step.
Your stance should be as follows: head up, shoulders back, back straight, weight on your heels. This position provides an even load to the entire length of your climbers, thus reducing slipping.
If you can walk upward without using your poles, then your stance is correct. Try to keep looking off into the distance, not at your feet. Use heel lifters if your experience pain in your calves and achilles tendon when going up a steep slope.