Kick Turn
1475 riders can do it
Short turn made by jump on sharp slopes over 35°.
How do it
When on a relatively low-angle slope, you can perform smooth turns, slightly changing the direction of the skis on each step. Switch to kick turns when you feel your climbers can no longer hold with your skis directed upward.
Preparing for the turn: choose a safe spot, bring your skis to a horizontal position a couple of meters before the turn. Stamp down the snow around the spot.
Put your poles down firmly and far in front of you. Quickly raise your legs up high, while simultaneously turning your ski to ballet stance. Your abdominal muscles should be central to the movement. Your body should be directed up the slope. Keep an eye on your heel and lower your leg once the ski is in position.
Move your poles. Stand on one leg, while continuing to direct your body upward. Your knees and hips should be directed away from each other. Now bend your free leg at the knee, raising the toe of your other leg. This will allow you to switch position. If your second ski heel doesn't go down, use a kick, i.e. kick the ski with the heel of your boot.