4113 riders can do it
A drop is a jump off any obstacle.
How do it
A drop is a jump off any obstacle. Once you’ve checked your drop, return to the beginning of your runway. Go through every movement in your head and try to shut out your fear, it only gets in the way. Otherwise, it's quite simple.
Hold regular stance on entry, keep your arms in front of you. Don’t try to actively push off the edge, just try to keep your legs extended and hold your centered stance (many riders panic a bit and sit back, flying in “TV” stance).
Don’t look at your feet, keep your eyes forward.
Hold your arms in front of your while in the air and control your stance.
Land with tense leg and core muscles. Don’t sag too low on landing, it’s bad for the knees. And try to avoid toppling forward or back.
Once you land, continue to travel forward for several meters and then begin to brake.
Give yourself a pat on the back :)