Switch Kickflip
1382 riders can do it
It is a Kickflip performed in awkward switch stance.
How do it
The very same kickflip, but performed in awkward switch stance.
Stand in switch stance (goofy stance if you’re regular, regular if you’re goofy). Place your rear leg on the tail, and your front leg next to the truck bolts, a bit closer to the center and at a slight angle — anywhere between 20-45 degrees (placing your front leg this way would be an easier way to learn the trick, but training with the back leg will allow you to perform it from every leg position).
Bend your knees and crouch. At the same time snap the tail with your rear leg and have your front leg lead out and kick (hit) the nose of the board with your toe.
The board is now spinning underneath (the speed will seem high at first, but once you get used to it you will learn to follow and sense the board). Catch the board with both feet. Land and ride off in switch.