1835 riders can do it
This trick combines a FS Pop Shuvit with a Kickflip.
How do it
The name does the trick justice — it’s a flip, and a hard one. Your board does a 180, as if for a simultaneous frontside pop shove-it and kickflip, while you remain in your original stance. But the board does this complicated flip not underneath your legs, but practically under your groin. You can also do this trick with a frontside flip, but that’s not nearly as satisfying. The right way to do it is with a powerful snap. And that is how we will be learning it.
Your back foot’s toe is on the tail. Your front foot is at a 45 degree angle, kickflip‑style.
Snap the tail hard, the board will quickly go vertical. Have your front leg spin the board into a kickflip.
Make room for the hardflip, or risk gettin hit in the groin. Catch the board, land and ride away.