Fakie FS Bigspin
4006 riders can do it
This is a Fakie FS 360 Pop Shove-it and Fakie FS Body Varial performed in a same direction.
How do it
This is a fakie frontside 360 pop shove-it and fakie frontside body varial executed in a single direction.
Legs are in fakie frontside 360 pop shove‑it stance. Back foot is near the bolts, closer to the center, toe and heel hanging. Front foot is on the tail, near the heel edge.
Snap, spin the board to a fakie frontside 360 pop shove‑it, and spin your body with you shoulders 180 degrees in the direction of movement.
The board is spinning faster than your body. When your body and board finish rotating and aline, you’ve got it. Land and ride off in a switch.