BS Half Cab Kicklflip
4624 riders can do it
Combination of a Fakie Backside 180 and Fakie Kickflip. Snapping from a fakie, you and your board do a 180, facing forward, and at the same time your board spins a Kickflip.
How do it
This trick is a combination of a fakie backside 180 and fakie kickflip. Snapping from a fakie, you and your board do a 180, face forward, and at the same time your board spins a kickflip.
Legs are in fakie kickflip stance. Your snap foot is in switch nollie, and your back leg is in fakie kickflip, toe at the screws at a 45‑90 degree angle, heel hanging.
Bring your shoulders back, it will help with the rotation, snap and lead out a kickflip. Spin.
The board rotates underneath. After you and the board pass 180, catch it and land.