Tuck No Hander
6068 riders can do it
You remove both hands from the bars and tuck the bars into your lap.
How do it
Tuck no hander is perhaps one of the best looking photo on bmx tricks. Despite the name, oftentimes a clean no hand feels more confindent than a regular jump. Some know this trick variation as the old school no hand.
Find a comfortable speed and jump the funbox. Just a regular, run‑of‑the‑mill jump at a confident height.
Try to pull the handlebars towards your waist. Bend your knees slightly and keep your body straight. Perform this at the peak of the jump.
During your following attempts try to pull up the handlebars earlier — and closer to your waist, and draw your knees together. This way you'll be squeezing the bike frame and holding it in place. Try lying on your back with your bike and executing the old school no hand. Figure out what you need to do to really hold the bike in place. Perhaps you need to slightly lean over the wheel, or push out the bike from under you with your legs. If you can let go of the handlebars and the bike remains static — you've got it!
Now lets get back to the funbox. Reproduce the movements your performed while on your back and begin testing whether your bike is secure, first by letting go of your fingers, then — your hands. If you feel your bike wobbling, falling under or the handlebars turning, this means you've missed something and need to hold the bike better. If everything seems fine, then work on letting go of the handlebars for longer and longer.