No Hander
21218 riders can do it
A rider takes off hands off the handlebars during the jump.
How do it
A trick that requires practice to master. The aim is to stretch your arms off of your scooter as much as possible, holding them in that position for as long as possible. It's easier to do this trick with plenty of air flying out of a quarter pipe. Build yourself up doing a small no hander first.
Jump out of the flyout clamping both knees around the handlebars, do this a few times until you are comfortable enough to start letting go.
Once your knees are clamping the handlebars securely, throw both hands off the grips at the same time.
Try and stretch your arms out as far as possible.
Hold your arms at full stretch for as long as possible.
Bring your arms back in towards your grips, looking down at your handlebars.
Grab both grips at the same time.
Un‑clamp your knees from the handlebar.
Roll away with steeze.