Hand Plant
2274 riders can do it
A turn in a quarter where you stall on one hand and hold the deck with the other.
How do it
A fascinating and great-looking trick. It's a turn you perform in the quarter via hand stand. Learn it on a vert ramp or vert wall.
Ride up the quarter.
Throw your body forward, over the front wheel. The direction of your turn in irrelevant, the technique stays the same no matter which you choose.
Once the scooter comes off the quarter, stick out one arm (the one which has the shoulder on the inside of the quarter). This will be your pivot and support. Tilt the scooter forward, keeping it underneath you. Make sure your feet don't fly off.
The moment your hand touches the surface, push off hard back into the quarter. Inertia will complete your body turn. Land and ride down.