Feeble Stall
19902 riders can do it
Stalling on your back peg or on the back drop-out with the front wheel resting on a coping.
How do it
Stalling on your back peg (or the back drop-out) on your scooter with your front wheel resting on the deck or coping. This trick is easiest to learn on a curb first and best to perform on a quarter pipe.
Approach the ramp at a comfortable speed to stall and do not carve.
Turn about 80 degrees and concentrate on locking your back peg into position and getting your front wheel up comfortably on the top of the ramp.
Once locked into position, avoid to much movement as you'll slip out of the stall.
Leaning forwards slightly helps as it takes the weight off of your peg (which is slippery).
Look & lean back into the ramp and hop off the coping, being sure to lift your front wheel over the coping enough.
Balance yourself on your landing and roll away smoothly.