One Foot
28735 riders can do it
Remove one foot from the pedal and move it to the side while in the air.
How do it
While in the air, remove one foot off the pedal and move it aside. Which side? That’s up to you.
Jump a funbox. Begin practicing the one foot once you feel relatively confident in the air.
Jump as you usually would and take your front leg off the pedal. You don’t need to move it too far away.
Your rear leg will invariably push down on the pedal and your cranks will go vertical. This is normal. Calmly return your front leg onto the pedal and return your cranks to parallel position.
All of this can be performed right before the landing, but of course it’s best to have time to spare. Worst case scenario — you land with your rear leg on the pedal and place your front leg on the ground.