Moto Whip
7112 riders can do it
Tuck the bike towards your rear leg while in the air to turn it with both your arms and legs.
How do it
Moto whip is a great-looking and extremely flexible trick you do both in dirt and park riding (provided you have a decent jump element available). When performing, make sure to tuck the bike towards your rear leg, making sure you're turning it with both your arms and legs. Nothing looks quite like it. Any funbox or dirt will do, but the more air you get — the better.
Ride hard into the quarter. Begin turning the bike to the side as soon as you're vertical – or risk toppling forward.
Begin turning the handlebars, using your entire frame to supplement the movement.
Complete with your legs and enjoy the flight. Before landing, turn your shoulders in the opposite direction, lean forward and land front wheel first.