3003 riders can do it
A 540° spin performed while in the air.
How do it
A great trick for the advanced rider. Opens up a bunch of possibilities for spins in the quarter.
Begin learning this one in the lowest quarter you can find. This way the technique will be similar to a 540 off a bank.
What separates the 540 from the 360 is that when you do a 360, you're not actually adding any spin to a (more or less) natural movement, whereas when doing a 540 you need to really give it an extra spin to work. So push off just as hard and try to overspin a 360. A hard push directed into the quarter will allow you to land at the very bottom. This makes the movement safer and gives you more time in the air.
The hardest thing here is giving yourself a hard spin while maintaining a clean push‑off and not messing up the rotational plane. A hard spin and failed push‑off run you the risk of catching the coping, whereas a strong push‑off and a weak spin will throw you all the way down onto your rear wheel. Strive for a balance.
Don't forget to turn your head in the direction of rotation. This really helps out during early attempts — because the sooner you see your landing spot, the safer you'll be.