360 Tap
17315 riders can do it
A full spin on the rear wheel.
How do it
So you've mastered the bunny hop 180 but still feel unsatisfied? Well that's because a full spin is 360 degrees! Let's start with learning the 360 tap on the rear wheel: do a spin and try to go over 180, then land on your rear wheel and push down on the pedal to complete the 360. You can also use your breaks to complete the spin. Find a flat surface for practice. A 360 rotation opens up a world of new tricks and combos, so don't go putting this one off!
Ride at a moderate speed. Do a harder turn than you would for a 180 and execute a bunny hop.
Make sure to keep your eyes in the direction of the spin right up to the very end. Land on your rear wheel, push down on the pedal or your breaks, while simultaneously drawing your arms and body in the direction of the rotation. Complete the 360.